安恒信息连续被Gartner 列为“数据分类分级领域”代表厂商

导读 小枫来为解答以上问题。安恒信息连续被Gartner 列为“数据分类分级领域”代表厂商,这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧~.~!  ...

小枫来为解答以上问题。安恒信息连续被Gartner 列为“数据分类分级领域”代表厂商,这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧~.~!


  近日,国际IT研究咨询机构Gartner发布《Hype Cycle for Data,Analytics and AI in China,2024》报告。安恒信息连续三次被Gartner列为数据分类分级领域代表厂商(Sample Vendors)。

  此前,在《2022中国网络安全技术成熟度曲线(Hype Cycle for Security in China,2022)》报告中,安恒信息被列为数据安全平台、云安全资源池、智慧城市网络物理系统安全、态势感知、数据分类分级和攻防团队六大领域代表厂商。

  在《2023中国网络安全技术成熟度曲线(Hype Cycle for Security in China,2023)》报告中,安恒信息被列为数据安全平台、CPS安全、云安全资源库、软件成分分析、数据分类、攻防对抗六大领域标杆供应商。


   Data classification facilitates the process of data protection for governance and security purposes.These purposes could range from value,access rights,privacy management,storage,ethics and quality to the retention of data.China’s data security regulatory requirements make data classification a vital step for security,data governance and compliance programs.Data classification helps organizations distinguish the sensitivity of the data and improves the effectiveness of data security controls.







   User Recommendations Determine organizationwide data classification use cases and efforts by conducting a thorough assessment of the types,values and sensitivity of data present within the organization.Collaborate with business departments and data analytics teams to identify specific use cases where data classification is crucial.

   Implement user training and deploy a combination of user-driven and automated data classification as part of a DSG program.

   Analyze data classification guidance and standards released by industry regulators or national standard committees to develop a data classification scheme that aligns with regulatory requirements in China.

   Prioritize data classification tools that offer enhanced integration and interoperability with other data security technologies—such as anonymization,encryption,DLP and data security platforms.Also,other aspects include enhanced built-in categorization templates and flexible self-defined tagging and labeling.

   Focus on options that provide pretrained and user-trained solutions when evaluating ML/AI-powered data classification tools to facilitate training models with organization-specific data for improved accuracy.



   Machine learning(ML)/AI-enhanced data classification tools introduce a level of precision,adaptability and efficiency that were previously unattainable with manual methods or rule-based automation alone.




以上就是关于【安恒信息连续被Gartner 列为“数据分类分级领域”代表厂商】的相关内容,希望对大家有帮助!
